Quickmast EC300
Three-component, water based epoxy modified cementitious mortar for surface levelling and sealing
Quickmast EC300 is a three component, water based epoxy modified cementitious mortar used for levelling and finishing of concrete, mortar or stone surfaces.

Quickmast EC300_0.pdf
Quickmast EC300 - Base_MSDS.pdf
Quickmast EC300 - Filler_MSDS.pdf
Quickmast EC300 - Hardener_MSDS.pdf
- Excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals.
- Breathable, allows for water vapour release.
- Excellent concrete protection.
- Solvent free.
- Can be applied on vertical and horizontal surfaces.
- Ideal preparation for smooth surface finishes.
- For internal or external use.
- Water and liquids impermeable.
- High bond strength to concrete.
- Moisture tolerant.
- Excellent physical properties and mechanical strength.
- High Sulfate Resistance.
Quickmast EC300 can be used as a levelling layer over concrete and mortar at thicknesses of 0.5 - 3.0 mm on vertical or horizontal surfaces.
Quickmast EC300 can be applied as a pore sealer for reprofiling, smoothing and levelling of concrete surfaces. It can be applied in new works or damaged concrete, providing improved chemical resistance.
Quickmast EC300 is available in 4 and 10 kg packs.
Quickmast EC300 has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture if stored in dry conditions at room temperature in original unopened Packs.