Proplast Silicone
Ready to use, silicone based decorative plaster for internal and external applications
Proplast Silicone is a highly flexible ready to use, thin-layer decorative plaster for internal and external applications. Proplast Silicone consists of a unique composition of silicone, mineral fillers, polymers and pigments that provides a superb quality decorative plaster can be easily applied by trowel on concrete or cement based substrates to produce a decorative finishing coat with excellent resistance to water and weather conditions for optimum durability.
Proplast Silicone is available in wide range of attractive colours and textures that provide a uniform and stable decorative appearance.

- Hydrophobic.
- Weather resistant for durable system.
- Highly vapour permeable allowing concrete or substrates to breath.
- Good thermal characteristics.
- Variety of decorative textured finishes.
- Variety of colors.
- Non-flammable.
- Easily cleaned.
- Environmentally friendly.
- To create a decorative textured finishing on building facades externally.
- Walls and partitions covering internally.
- As a final layer of the External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) from DCP.
Protoplast Silicone is available in 10 kg buckets and 25 kg pails.
Proplast Universal Primer is available in 18 liters packs.
- Proplast Silicone has a 6 months shelf life from date of manufacture when stored in original closed packs in shaded temperature controled conditions.
- Proplast Universal Primer has a 12 month shelf life when stored in original closed containers in shaded temperature contrled conditions.
Proplast Silicone complies with the EN 15824 requirements.