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Donplast® Antifreeze 100

Cold weather concreting admixture (Formerly known as Flocrete Antifreeze 100)

Donplast Antifreeze 100 is a chloride-free concrete admixture in a liquid form specially formulated to produce high-quality concrete mixes at very low temperatures.

Donplast Antifreeze 100_TDS_4.pdf
Donplast Antifreeze 100_SDS.pdf
  • Increases frost resistance.
  • Improves early and ultimate strengths.
  • Chloride-free; does not attack reinforcement.

Donplast Antifreeze 100 is recommended for use in conditions such as:

  • Concrete casting at low temperatures.
  • Expected overnight frost.
  • Early concrete strength requirements.
  • High strength concrete.

Donplast Antifreeze 100 is available in 5 gal (19 litre) containers as well as 275 gal (1,041 litre) IBC totes. Bulk supply in tanker trucks is also available upon request.


Store in dry conditions. Donplast Antifreeze 100 has a minimum shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture if stored properly in its original unopened packing.


Dosage rates will vary depending on the material used, ambient conditions and the requirements of a specific project.
For general concreting applications and compliance with ASTM C494 Type C, Donplast Antifreeze 100 recommended dosage is 15 to 60 fl oz/100 Ib (975 - 3,910 ml/100 kg) of cement or cemenitious materials in the mix including GGBFS, PFA or micro-silica.

Representative trials should be first conducted to determine the optimum dosage of Donplast Antifreeze 100 to meet the performance requirements by using the materials and conditions in actual use.


Donplast Antifreeze 100 complies with the requirements of Specification for Chemical Admixture for Concrete ASTM C494 as a Type C admixture, depending on the used dosage.