Trowelite P
Mortar plasticiser
Trowelite P is a mortar admixture that improves the workability, cohesion and improves resistance to freeze/thaw cycles, by entraining a controlled quantity of air to the mortar mix.

Trowelite P_TDS_0.pdf
Trowelite P_MSDS_6.pdf
- Improving mortar plasticity.
- Reducing permeability.
- Chloride free, safe for embedded steel.
- Compatible with most types of Portland cement.
- Improves frost resistance.
- Can be used to replace lime.
- Improves bond strength.
- Strength increase through water reduction.
Trowelite P is recommended for sand cement mortars to improve workability, surface finish and freeze/thaw cycle resistance properties.
Trowelite P is available in 25 litre pails and 210 litre drums. Bulk deliveries can be arranged for large requirements.
Trowelite P has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture if stored at temperatures between 2°C to 30°C.
0.30 – 0.60 litre of Trowelite P direct to mix for each 100 kg of cement. 0.75 – 1.5 litre of Trowelite P for 200 litre of mixing water.
Trowelite P complies with BS4887: Mortar Plasticisers.