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Flocrete W77

Powder waterproofing admixture

Flocrete W77 is powder waterproofing admixture formulated from selected organic salts specially designed to reduce the permeability in all cement based mortars, screeds and concrete. Flocrete W77 blocks the natural pores in the mix and imparts the hydrophobic properties which reduce moisture permeability.

Flocrete W77_TDS_0.pdf
Flocrete W77_MSDS.pdf
  • Improves durability by minimizing penetration of moisture and water based chemicals.
  • No additional water into dry or semi-dry mixes.
  • Reduces efflorescence and pigment leaching from cement mortars.
  • Chloride free.
  • Non-toxic, can be used for concrete in contact with potable water.

Flocrete W77 is a waterproofing admixture for use in all cement based mortars, screeds and concrete.


Flocrete W77 is available in 1 kg bags.


Flocrete W77 has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture if stored at temperatures between 2°C and 50°C.


The guidance dosage of Flocrete W77 is 1 kg per 50 kg of cementitious materials in the mix, including GGBFS, PFA or microsilica.

Representative trials should be conducted to determine the optimum dosage of Flocrete W77 to meet the performance requirements by using the materials and conditions on actual use.