Griptop® Cove Pack
Coving material for wall/floor surface joints
Griptop Cove Pack is a three pack solvent free polyurethane based material that is used to form seamless radius coving at the junction between wall and
floor surfaces.

Griptop Cove Pack_TDS_0.pdf
Griptop Cove Pack Filler.pdf
Griptop Cove Pack Hardener.pdf
Griptop Cove Pack Resin.pdf
Griptop Cove Pack is applied by trowel, is highly durable and when sealed with Griptop Cove Pack has very good resistance to many of the chemicals commonly found in and industrial environment (consult our Technical Department for further details).
Approx. 10 linear metres per kit at 150mm high and 6mm thick
Store at temperatures between 5°C and 30°C.
Approximately 6 months if stored in unopened containers and under good conditions.